class documentation

Protocol handler for uploading a pack to the client.

Class Method capabilities Undocumented
Class Method required_capabilities Return a list of capabilities that we require the client to have.
Method __init__ Undocumented
Method get_tagged Get a dict of peeled values of tags to their original tag shas.
Method handle Undocumented
Method progress Undocumented
Instance Variable advertise_refs Undocumented
Instance Variable repo Undocumented
Instance Variable _graph_walker Undocumented
Instance Variable _processing_have_lines Undocumented

Inherited from PackHandler:

Class Method innocuous_capabilities Undocumented
Method has_capability Undocumented
Method notify_done Undocumented
Method set_client_capabilities Undocumented
Instance Variable _client_capabilities Undocumented
Instance Variable _done_received Undocumented

Inherited from Handler (via PackHandler):

Instance Variable backend Undocumented
Instance Variable proto Undocumented
Instance Variable stateless_rpc Undocumented
def capabilities(cls):
def required_capabilities(cls):

Return a list of capabilities that we require the client to have.

def __init__(self, backend, args, proto, stateless_rpc=False, advertise_refs=False):


def get_tagged(self, refs=None, repo=None):

Get a dict of peeled values of tags to their original tag shas.

Returns: dict of peeled_sha -> tag_sha, where tag_sha is the sha of a
tag whose peeled value is peeled_sha.
refsdict of refname -> sha of possible tags; defaults to all of the backend's refs.
repooptional Repo instance for getting peeled refs; defaults to the backend's repo, if available
def handle(self):


def progress(self, message):


advertise_refs =


repo =


_graph_walker =


_processing_have_lines: bool =
