The porcelain
is the higher level interface, built on top of the lower
level implementation covered in previous chapters of this tutorial. The
module in Dulwich is aimed to closely resemble
the Git command-line API that you are familiar with.
Basic concepts¶
The porcelain operations are implemented as top-level functions in the
module. Most arguments can either be strings or
more complex Dulwich objects; e.g. a repository argument will either take
a string with a path to the repository or an instance of a Repo
Initializing a new repository¶
>>> from dulwich import porcelain
>>> repo = porcelain.init("myrepo")
Clone a repository¶
>>> porcelain.clone("git://github.com/jelmer/dulwich", "dulwich-clone")
Basic authentication works using the username
and password
>>> porcelain.clone(
username="user", password="password")
Commit changes¶
>>> r = porcelain.init("testrepo")
>>> open("testrepo/testfile", "w").write("data")
>>> porcelain.add(r, "testfile")
>>> porcelain.commit(r, b"A sample commit")
Push changes¶
>>> tr = porcelain.init("targetrepo")
>>> r = porcelain.push("testrepo", "targetrepo", "master")